Bhakti Vaibhava Study Course (CANTO 1 to 6)

by HG Gauranga Darshan Das

A Certified Systematic Online Study Course on Srimad Bhagavatam CANTO 1 to 6.

Requirement: - Bhakti Shastri Certificate (those who are about to complete Bhakti Shastri or awaiting the certificate can also join)

- Recommendation letter from your respective ISKCON temple president.

- Harinam Initiation

Dates: 11th Feb 2023 onwards

Timings: Every Saturday & Sunday - 4:00 to 5:30 PM IST (followed by Q&A)

Teacher: Gauranga Darshan Das (Author | Dean, Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha)

Platform: Zoom

NOTE: We encourage the participants to join the classes live on zoom. Recordings are also provided if students are unable to join live sessions sometimes for some reason.

Course Structure: Bhakti Vaibhava course the first six cantos of Srimad Bhagavatam are covered in 4 modules as follows:

Module-1 = CANTO 1 (19 Ch) + CANTO 2 (10 Ch) = 29 Chapters

Module-2 = CANTO 3 = 33 Chapters

Module-3 = CANTO 4 = 31 Chapters

Module-4 = CANTO 5 (26 Chapters) + CANTO 6 (19 Chapters) = 45 Chapters

Study Materials: Srimad Bhagavatam Cantos 1 to 6 by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

Additional References:

• Sarartha Darshini by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarthy Thakur, English Translation by HH Bhanu Swami Maharaj

• Bhagavata Subodhini (Study Guide) Canto 1-2, Canto 3, Canto 4, and Canto 5-6, by HG Gauranga Darshan Das

• Bhagavata Ratnamala (Sloka Book) Canto 1-6, Compiled by HG Gauranga Darshan Das

Course Fees: Can be paid module-wise or for all modules together.

- Following are the account details for those who want to pay module-wise:


Bank Name - State Bank of India 

IFSC Code - SBIN0007773

Account Number - 37753665422


Kindly contact +91 8928073812 after the transaction.

Assessment Types: Each module has the following tests:

  • Multiple Choice Questions tests
  • 3 Closed-book tests
  • 3 Open-book tests (submissions - all 3 can be submitted after completion of each module)
  • 3 Sloka tests (submissions - along with the Closed-book exam)
  • 1 Presentation (submissions - after completion of each module)

- The question-banks will be provided for the reference questions for all the assessments.

Closed-book tests

- The students need to write the test of short, long & essay-type answers based on memory & not referring to any course materials.

- The exam will be conducted via zoom platform as per the announced schedule, by the supervisors from Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha.

Open-book tests

- The open-book tests are of long answers (essay-type) which are based on the understanding of the subject. 

- Students can write the answers as per the required word count, referring to the course materials or books, and submit the answersheets.

Sloka tests

- Students need to write the slokas along with their meaning & submit the answers.

- The Sloka test will be in written format & will be conducted along with the closed-book tests.


- Students are required to give a presentation on the topic of their choice from the question-bank (25-30 mins) & record the video of the presentation.

- The video can be uploaded on google drive/youtube & the link should be submitted along with the PPT file.

- The meeting will be arranged on zoom for Q & A and comments by the supervisors from Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha.

NOTE: Those who can’t appear for the closed-book & sloka exam as per the schedule, can complete them with the help of an invigilator/supervisor from the local ISKCON temple/center. The email can be sent to [email protected], 3-4 days prior to the exam date, keeping the invigilator's email address in copy and mentioning the day, date, time (in IST) & module of the exam. The question paper will be sent to the invigilator's email address 30 minutes before the exam. Closed-book exam answersheets should be sent in a single PDF file from the supervisor to the same email address. The same process should be followed for the sloka exams.

Course Curriculum

  Module 1 (CANTO 1 & 2)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 (Canto 3)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 (CANTO 4)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 (CANTO 5 & 6)
Available in days
days after you enroll

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